13 September 2007

You Belong in 1953

You're fun loving, romantic, and more than a little innocent. See you at the drive in!
What Year Do You Belong In?

Martha had this fun quiz posted on her blog. She's an 80's girl.. I am SO NOT! I don't know if '53 suits me any better.. I wasn't around then but the quiz was kind of fun.

Not much new to share. Running to finish up Art*Play stuff. I can't believe it is only a day and a half away! I spent today cutting up coupons and stuffing goodie bags. I have talked about it before but WOW is there some fun stuff! I will take some pix to share when they are done.

I am working on a couple of different Bluhm Studios jobs and have a bunch of new work coming in. Nothing to the point of sharing yet but I DID get hard copies of Angelina's and Cerri's business cards in the mail today and boy do they look CUTE if I do say so myself.

So, since I don't have any new stuff to show these are a couple of detail pix from the custom Bits n Pieces collage I posted a few posts ago.



  1. I got my biz cards back too. They turned out great! Will send you some. Think I still have your address from the Bits & Pieces Swap.

  2. Very pretty collage.

  3. we just had a little art retreat here on the east coast last weekend, so much fun and very inspiring! i'll be checking back to see all the fun you gals had! xo, enjoy!

  4. Oh, I just love this little bits and pieces collage. So fun!

  5. Love the bits & pieces...
    Heather, thanks for my banner!
    I love it...

  6. great pieces to feast the eyes on. I'm a 1957 girl myself (from the quiz)

  7. I love the colors in your bits and pieces ! They are just gorgeous !

  8. 50's girl? -- I wouldn't have pegged you for that one! I love your collage details... hopefully I'll have time for art someday soon......
