18 January 2006

In which we get more organized... ( or try)

So I trekked to Ikea today with my Mom. I love Ikea but it is always very tiring, especially with a 2 year old in tow. We were there for a long time but it was fun and I got all sorts of goodies to get my MORE organized. At this point I should admit that I aspire to be this crafty person whose studio I found online.
Anyway, in today's shopping cart:

Fun jars for buttons and ribbons. COLOR is good!

Some whimsical PINK boxes for random messy storage.

In addition to these I got 2 magnetic boards to store foam stamps on and two magnetic strips to attach to the edge of my shelf to stick my little doodads and inspirational magnets on...

I also got some more DVD shelves because our collection is taking over the living room, and some new chair cushions because ours are old, flat and ripping. I think that about sums up our shopping trip. I did pick out what i think will be Hannah's "big girl" bed when we switch her from the crib. I love this steel bed that grows with her into a twin. I already have a quilt tucked away and I can hardly stand waiting to set up her room for a "big girl".

Well, tomorrow Hannah goes to daycare and I will be organizing and working... wish me luck in the organizational dept.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Ikea! We used to do road trips to Chicago before we got one here. The first month it was open I was there probably 7 times. It helped we had just moved and I was nesting big time! Love the jar idea but i am totally going to borrow the metal strip idea for bits. Brilliant!
    If you show me your updated space , I'll show you mine...
