30 March 2008

big & little

How's this for big? That's my little up top of that Clydesdale, Katie Mae, with my friend Lara on Friday when we visited them for a play date. Its hard to believe that just a year ago Hannah wouldn't go NEAR a horse or a pony. Back in September she rode a pony, by her own decision at our country fair and was so proud of herself. Little did I know that the next step would be such a HUGE one. You can see the tail end of another horse off to the left, standing next to my car. That's Katie's son Beau, talk about BIG, they are both bigger than my car!

As far as the little steps, we made more today. Lots of them actually. I didn't get around to tackling the magazine pile but we did tackle a VERY cluttered and terrible corner of the living room/ entry. We rearranged a little furniture and I finished painting my $5 bookcase. I also painted new shelf brackets and primed the shelves to go on them. Tomorrow I can finish painting those and we will get them installed. The BEST part of today was dropping off a CARLOAD of stuff at the Goodwill. Its felt so good, with the exception of seeing some of my grandmother's books go. I admit it, I cried. I do not have very many things that were my grandmothers so it was sentimentally hard but I realized that I had not looked them for 6+ years so it was time for them to go to another home. I am sure I will have many more of these episodes but I know it will get easier and I am willing to keep taking the small steps because at the end of the day it felt so great, and we all did it together. I am still not sure what to do about all the magazines, but will try to tackle some tomorrow. I figure I can pack up the ones I am not so attached to and then work on the Somersets and CPS's.
By the way, many of you have suggested tearing out pages that inspire you and saving those. I am wondering if you REALLY go back and look at them? I have tried that before and I don't remember ever looking back on whatever I ripped out with the exception of recipes. Maybe its just me, or maybe its just that I am feeling the need to RID myself of piles of stuff. I am afraid if I go back through the magazines I won't toss them.
Busy day tomorrow, I had better turn in. Keep taking the small steps....


  1. Heather, I put my absolute favorites in a binder (in protector sheets) and I do look at it. Even, Billy, my three year old looks at it. I need to start another binder. I've got other things in file folders..like recipes and I go through those as well. You are doing great. Keep up the good work.

  2. That FIVE DOLLAR bookcase is AWESOME! What a score! I love it. Yay for you...keep on truckin. I go through my mags every couple of months. I keep some that I know sell well on ebay (IF i ever do that) and the rest I rip inspiration pages out of, or not, but I donate them to a doctor's office who is always desperate to have them...all their women's magazines get "accidentally" removed from the office! LOL.... so they're happy, I'm happy, no waste. Also, I keep a binder with my inspiration images in it for my home. I should start one for art too. BUt yes, I do go back and look at them. xo

  3. That is a cute cabinet for only $5. I love when you can get deals like that. Sounds like you are progressing splendidly! Wish I could get up the wherewithall to do something around here. I think I am beyond hope and help! I seem to just keep saying "manana" to everything these days. NOT GOOD!
    Keep up the good work!

  4. I used to tear pages out, and then never look at them. I have really cut down on magazines, and pass them on when I can. Bravo- keep going.

  5. Heather, i have just been reading over your last several posts...and i am RIGHT there with you...i have HUGE loads of clutter over here to go through, sometimes i am just overwhelmed with the prospect of sorting it out for donation, garage sale, etc...but my DH is going to help me too...baby steps is right, that is how i am proceeding, so i don't totally loose it...i am FINISHED with clutter AND with magazines...i have decided to not renew ANY of my magazine subscriptions, there is PLENTY of inspiration on line should i need it!!!

  6. Good job!! I am proud of you!!! As soon as my class is over, I am going to join you in this task!

    Keep it up...i am sure you will keep feeling better and better!

  7. Heather: Have been reading about your conquest of clutter! A few suggestions for the mags: school libraries - for teachers (esp. Art), students, or even teacher workroom; retirement & nursing homes, VA hospitals. Our public library has a magazine exchange table. More trouble to give away than toss, but you feel good knowing that they'll be used & enjoyed again. Some of mine I keep (ME, Somerset, CPS) but some I give away every few mos. & I have started dropping some subs. Good Luck - sounds like you're doing great! Wish I could tackle MY clutter! Jane, faithful lurker

  8. Do ya have another $5 bookcase I can have hehe.. I love it! its soo pretty! Oh I just posted about a Enchanted swap on my blog I am hosting!! check it out!


  9. I love the bookcase! It's gorgeous!! And I have to admit - I tear sheets out of mags and I rarely go back through them. But at least I only have two binders of pages instead of 500 magazines. And I'm pretty selective on what I tear out too so I'm trying to eventually wean myself from that:)

  10. I just had to tell you how much I love your blog. I am an artist too. I have been creating jewelry for two years. I just started a site on ETSY and a blog about my work. You are an inspiration to me. Cambria

  11. Yikes! Horses -- I'm afraid of them. big and scary and wild....
    And you ARE progressing splendidly, like Jeanne says! Sorry, I didn't mean to be an enabler..... If you never go back and look at the magazines, then get rid of them!!! Selling on Ebay is a good idea, so is a giveaway, or a trade, for something that you really want.... like vintage wallpaper or something..... or Freecycle them -- do you have a freecycle yahoo group there? I just listed 2 cartons of magazines, and some nice person came and picked them up off my porch -- I didn't even have to take them anywhere.

  12. I have a pile of torn out pages and I only went thru them once and it took me forever to find the one thing I was looking for so I don't know if it is worth saving them or not. Sorry, no help here! Come for a visit.
