12 October 2006

its all good

Halloween buckets

My Dad came through his procedure fine. He sounded really chipper and feeling good when he called me this afternoon. He was on the table for about 2 hours, where they placed a stent into another stent which is already in a third stent! He said that he was having no drug reactions or headaches which is really good and he was very chatty. If all goes well tonight he should be able to go home tomorrow. Thanks again to those of you who have send well wishes and support.

In artsy news, above are pictured the Halloween trick or treat pails I made for the wee one and her little buddy. They are altered paint cans inspired by the one Joleen made for her charge last year. I also have been doing some more soldering. I really need to find a bottle of the cleaner used to clean the junk and flux off the finished pieces. Hopefully I will have some pictures of soldered goodies to share tomorrow.


  1. Oh, I'm glad to hear he is doing well. I haven't been able to read up lately in the blog world. It's been a little crazy between wedding and work.

  2. Hi Heather! Great news about your Dad!!! Now you can breathe a little easier!!! Very cute altered paint cans!!!! Have a great weekend!

  3. Those Halloween buckets are cute. Makes me want to go trick-or-treating!!! BOO!
