02 July 2006

Inspiration breeds organization...

Since coming home from AFF, the little hamster has been turning the wheel in my head. It is full of ideas, colors, and applications in which to direct my new found techniques. But! While my head is percolating through so many ideas.. I have so little space to create. Something snapped today and I spent quite an efficient couple of hours cleaning and organizing in my studio. I have yet to put away all my supplies from AFF and I am STILL waiting for the box I mailed a week ago! but I feel more organized and ready to effectively find homes for all those goodies. My studio will always be somewhat cluttered. With 3 walls of windows and one with 2 doorways it makes it a bit hard to fit in shelving but its a space of my own so I'll take it!
My Studio
click it to make it bigger

The other day I received a lovely package from Lilia (FleaMarketStudios) who I "met" through Flickr. She has an amazing sense of style and a knack for making everything so pretty. I shouldn't have taken apart these little packets before taking pictures but I just couldn't wait to see what treasures were tucked inside.

While organizing today I made up a little box to send off to Lilia. I tried my best to make some pretty little parcels too, I hope she enjoys them.

On a side note.. is anyine else as annoyed as I am about fireworks? Unfortunately they are legal here. I hate that as soon as they go on sale people start lighting them off. Even more annoying are the illegal bottle rockets and M80's which cause the dog to cower and whine. Grrrrr.


  1. Heather ~

    Can't wait for you to get your box from AFF either!
    We also live in a county that allows fireworks and it has driven me crazy too. I didn't mind the 4th but it went on for weeks around here too.But the city redistricted in the last election and we became part of the city. The city law does not allow fireworks. What a relief! :+) Lots of moms of toddlers are happy too because their babies get some sleep now!

  2. I hate firecrackers! I'm so glad they're illegal here. But making them illegal doesn't stop people from being dumb. Yesterday the school where I went to kindegarten burned down because kids were shooting bottle rockets onto the roof. How sad is that?!

    I do love watching the big fireworks displays though. I get to watch the ones on Lake Union from the rooftop deck of where I work. We have an absolutely perfect view up there!

  3. I just spent 15 minutes drooling over Lilia's pics! Her stuff is amazing!

    And I share your feelings on fireworks. For the past 2 nights the idiots in our neighborhood have waited to use them until I put the baby to bed. Which always wakes her up and causes her to cry.
