19 June 2006

best laid plans...

cover_draft copy

You know what they say about best laid plans don't you? Here we are, all good to go. Issue 2 finished, ready to print. All tucked in snugly as a PDF. SO WE THINK! I go to start printing and run out of toner. It was supposed to be here Friday. Great, I think, I can do it and bind over the weekend and mail before Wednesday when I get on a plane. You see what is coming, right? Friday... no toner! Monday... no toner! argh! Fed Ex says we'll have it on Thursday! Its only coming from Southern CA. I could have picked it up in less time.

SO.. I think I will print at least a few copies to take to AFF. On my laser printer, which printed the entire release for issue 1. NOW I find more typos, redo the pages, insert, resave as a PDF and print. Its all blurry! What the!! Oy... I had to walk away. Its hot in there and I think I am PMSing and its just getting on my last nerve right now.

To top it off, I was trying to update the Portals website to say we will not be shipping until the end of the month. We just need more time. We are only 2 people who have little kids and jobs and who moved and whose dad's are really sick. We feel bad but thats just the way it is. Anyway, it would NOT cooperate. at. all. We know the website is all jacked up. Please don't email me to tell me. I plan to do a complete redesign after I get back from WA. I know...


  1. The charm of a zine is that it comes from real people....people who you sort of know...people who you care about and totally understand that life happens and the best laid plans get jacked up...so I say, take a DEEP breath, and do not worry about this....it will get done in the next few weeks and we will still be here patiently waiting and getting excited for the next issue!!!! Big hugs, Laura

  2. Don't you just Love those days where NOTHING goes right!!!
    Enjoy AFF!! Give a big hug to Mamarox and Cyn and Dot and well dang it... all those gals I know!

  3. The cover is wonderful! Yes, I agree with the others, go with the flow, enjoy AFF. The zine will be out when it's meant to be. We can wait--and it's fun to look forward to. See you soon! xo --L.

  4. please take some deep breaths, go to starbucks and relax, it is fine and that is just life!! you are honest and tell it like it is, that is what i like..life happens.....everything will be fine and this issue is going to be so awesome, cannot wait to get mine!!!

  5. Hang in there sweet thing! It will still be there when you get back!

  6. Wow, it looks beautiful.

    The mills of the gods grind slowly.

    Congratulations on a job well done. A few more days of waiting will just build suspense!

  7. this looks amazing, I can't wait to check it out, great blog too!!!
