12 December 2005

in which we prepare for x-mas...


This weekend we went and cut down a tree. We haven't had a cut tree in years but decided since Hannah was old enough to help choose one we would go. The weather was really nice, cool and crisp but clear. We went on a hay ride, fed goats and Hannah rode a "reindeer." Here are a few pictures from our trek. Tomorrow I will share some pix of our tree installed on our living room. Hannah likes it so much she gave it a kiss and a hug this morning...
Picture 017
cart_treePicture 014

and last night while doing some late night shopping ( good 'ole Internet!) I ran across a late addition to the 'ole wishlist. I ran across this FABULOUS mermaid necklace at Femail Creations.. (hint hint)


  1. fun! can't wait to see it up! :) i can't wait to get our tree!

  2. Oh Heather!! That looks like a fun day of tree hunting!! Glad you shared pictures!

  3. Wow, that mermaid even has red hair!...not unlike a certain Mer Mama I know!
    The pictures are just too cute for words. What a fun time for Miss Hannah!
