28 April 2005


This is a scarf I finished a bit ago. I really love it because the yarns look so cool together with the light one longer and fuzzier and the shorter one with more vibrant colors...

So today was Hannah's first day at part time day care. She was soo good and she didn't cry when I left. Her daycare provider, Sandra, said she did good all day and had fun. I am so proud of her and I helped me feel better about our decision despite my Mom being so upset about it. I got alot done today and I think this will be good for all of us. Now I will have some time to finish up the painting projects and focus on getting this new business off the ground in addition to my latest project...

I joined Curves today!! I decided I need to get back in shape. I haven't been feeling very well and I have gained too much weight. I have several friends who are members of Curves and they all really like it so I thought I would give it a shot.. I go tomorrow morning for my "orientation workout". I am looking forward to it.


  1. Damn! You knit too? I've been wanting to learn how for ages. I'm thinking of venturing to the southside to a yarn shop wher apparently people hang out and are willing to offer pointers.

  2. Yes! I told ya that before but since you are going senile, you forgot... Check out this very handy link to help you get started!
