02 November 2009

Open House photos

I know I said I'd post these pictures of our first holiday open house a post or two ago but I lost track of time and got busy with my design team stuff. So, anyway, I decided to do it today. A couple months ago my friend Vicki and I did our first "craft fair" in San Juan Baustista. It was kind of a bust with low attendance and low sales but we had fun and had pretty good response to our wares. Shortly after, a friend here in town invited us to participate in her annual open house. We accepted and really enjoyed our day. Here are a few shots of our tables.

I really need to display my cards better. We ordered a card rack but its kind of sterile and I will not have it for this weekend. I also need to get set up to take better close up shots. The mosaics are pretty reflective so they are hard to shoot. We are going to install a light in Vicki's garage to light up the photo cube and hopefully get some shots uploaded to our Etsy shop soon.

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